A game changing book

  • You must have a publisher deadline, or want to approach a publisher with a pitch
  • Or be interested in self-publishing something truly exceptional
  • You will have great positioning and profile already
  • And be willing to invest the time that is required to create a game-changing book
  • You must commit to a weekly Skype call and writing 3000 words a week to do this
  • But you will not regret it!

Together we will

  • Decide if we’re a good fit
  • Set a deadline for the work to be complete (unless you already have a publisher deadline)
  • Set key tasks according to a timeline to reach the deadline
  • Schedule a weekly Skype call to discuss progress and set the next key steps
  • Plan, write and edit together in a 100% collaborative process designed to complement how you work best

If this is you, you'll join thought leaders like

If working with me side-by-side sounds like something you’d like to explore, then please fill out this questionnaire to give me an idea about you and what you’re trying to achieve.